Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

5/5 我が家のクリスマス2021 (Our Christmas 2021 5 of 5)

2022-01-11 09:51:56 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is the final article of our Christmas 2021 out of 5.

On the 3rd day, Andy's big brother, Tim's family also joined and enjoyed a special dinner and opening presents.

A mother of 3 boys, my sister in law, Cindy's very good at treating kids and played a lot with May-chan as well. Thanks to her friendliness, May-chan wasn't shy with her at all.

Oh, I wanted to show you guys how tall Dad&Mom's tree was and asked Andy to stand in front of it. Can you see it? Andy's about 5ft11, by the way.

My nephews have been on this blog a couple of times before, but they all are grown up big now and make Grandma look shorter. Haha.
(The oldest one, Pierce wore a T-shirt of Itachi which's a character from a famous Japanese cartoon, Naruto. Auntie Hit-chan was happy to see that as a Japanese. Hehe)

All the dishes were ready, so everybody served themselves and Bon Appetite!

The main was turkey. The sides were mashed potato the nephews cooked and the same things that Mom usually made for Thanksgiving. Yummy!

After the yummy dinner, we started opening the presents. Just as our family rule to open Christmas presents, the youngest one, May-chan, was the first.

She's opening one from Tim's family. It's pretty big. What's in that??

Tim and the second oldest, Gavin, assembled the present right away.

Here's the present! It's a tent! May-chan was so excited and enjoyed going in and out there. Thank you!

The boys were grown up, so most of the gifts for them were gift cards or cash.

The oldest, Pierce, and the middle one, Gavin actually joined military last year and had been working hard on the training everyday.

I heard them talking how they'd been doing the night before and found that they're thinking very well about their futures such as which career options they're going to take in the military or something. The young men who're about to fly with infinite potential made me really impressed and also jealous like, "Yeah, I was young like them once." a little bit.
(I personally believe that you can challenge anything at any age, but still feel like that I've lost a lot of motivation or pureness that I used to have earlier in my life.)

I know that the military would give you a lot of options to assist you get independent and explore your life, but at the same time I easily imagine that there's a lot of restrictions and requirements as well.

By looking at the young men who'd just started working in such a challenging place, I couldn't stop thinking, "You guys will face a lot of challenges there for sure, but all the experiences that you're going through will surely help you in the future too. So, hang in there!!" as an older auntie.
(I was too shy to directly say the words to them, but a part of me also felt that they'd already know such a thing too.)

Anyways, this is how we spent the last day of our Christmas 2021.

Lastly, here's a family pic again! This is actually the first picture of us all together! Well done!

Okay, this is all about our Christmas 2021!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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