Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ミネソタも寒いけど、京都も寒そう (MN is cold, but Kyoto looks cold too)

2023-01-24 14:09:10 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Here in MN, I mentioned this here a couple of times, but we've got a lot of snow this winter. May-chan's preschool was canceled on the last day before the winter break and also on the first day after the winter break due to the severe weather and bad road conditions.

Needless to say, Minnesotans are used to lots of snow, but this extraordinary amount of snow this winter has made them fed with it.

I'm so scared to drive on snowy or icy roads, but thanks to all the snow-plowing workers, the roads get back in a decent condition in a short time even after we get much snow at once.

Though, they've plowed lots of snow and piled it up everywhere and the snow piles make more blind spots for both pedestrians and drivers, so I've paid more attention when driving these days.

Anyways, last night I got a message from my mom in Kyoto saying, "We've got lots of snow too!" with a couple of pics around her house.

I know that the northern area of Kyoto get lots of snow in winter, but the southern area where my parents live and I grew up doesn't get snow almost at all.

Though, the pictures from my mom showed me a view of some snow on the ground.

The amount of snow in the pics doesn't look "A lot of snow" in MN standard, but I'd definitely say it's a lot of snow in Kyoto standard. So, I checked some news about my hometown weather online.


The new above says Japan Railways in Kyoto area canceled some schedule on the 24th and also announced to do planned suspension on the 25th.

I also checked The Kyoto Shinbun, a local newspaper, website and got more information.

This article says multiple cars got stuck on the snowy roads at a part of downtown Kyoto in the evening of the 24th.

This is also about the evening of 24th. At Kyoto station, they regulated the number of people entering the building.
(This makes sense to me because overcrowding brings another big danger too.)

The forecast says that some areas in northern Kyoto will get 40-60cm (15-23inches) snow for the 24hours from the 24th to 25th.

Even here in MN aka the winter wonderland, we feel like, "Oh shoot, it's pain in the butt going to work (school)!" when we get lots of snow, so it'd be really hard for people in Japan having an extraordinary weather like the snow especially because using public transportation is a big part of their life.

Of course, my hometown, Kyoto, is not only the area getting hit a severe weather in Kyoto, so I hope that you all are safe.

Okay, this is all for today. I just wanted to say again how lucky it is to have ordinary days.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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