Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

5 人生初手術・ER後半 (5 My First Surgery/ER )

2023-01-19 10:22:02 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going?

Oh well, it's been a while since I updated my blog last, but 3 of us in my family are doing okay overall though we got a light cold lately.
(I talked that I got a flu in the beginning of the new year and after that, my sinus problem and high fever got better. I still feel some discomfort in my throat, but I've got back to my normal life and been doing fine.)

Here in MN, this winter has brought us tons of snow and it's snowing today too.

Our back yard. The view has been like this for a few months.

Andy's grill got a lit of snow on the top, which kind of looks like ice cream. haha.

In my MN life, I don't have to walk outside in the cold weather so much. I used to strongly dislike the cold weather when I was in Japan since I had to walk around a lot to get to school or work or just do chores. Instead of disliking to walk outside in the cold weather not much anymore, I now strongly dislike driving on slippery roads in MN winter.

Okay, let me get back to my surgery story today.

It's been over a month since I had the surgery and my memories are getting faded out from my brain. Still, I'll do my best to record my story here.

Here's the timeline so far.

10月30日 右下腹部痛開始
Oct.30th The pain in my right lower belly started

11月8日  1回目のナースライン(次の生理まで様子を見るようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 8th The 1st nurse line call was made

11月16日 産婦人科の先生の診察(次の生理後にエコー検査をするようにアドバイスをもらう)
Nov. 16th App with an OBGYN doctor

11月28日 ER訪問(今日のお話はここです。)
Nov. 28th ER Visit (I'm talking about this today.)

11月29日 エコー検査予約
Nov. 29th App for ultra sound

From the result of my blood and urine test, they did a CT scan on me.

As the result, they found 2 cysts in my right ovary.

Around 3 am, we finally could meet a doctor and he said,

"I saw the images of your CT scan and found 2 cysts in your right ovary. To check them more, I want you to do an ultrasound."


"I actually have an appointment for ultrasound tomorrow."

I said. Then,

"I don't want to make you guys go tomorrow. You can do it here and want to see your OBGYN for the follow-up. I'll give you a stronger pain medication so that you can take it when the cramps get back again."

he said.

At the point, the pain level was dropped down to only 3 or so probably because the food in my stomach was mostly digested by then.

"I don't have much pain now."

I told that to the doctor, but he said

"Oh, that's really good, but just in case you get the bad cramps again, I'll prescribe the medication anyways."


After the meeting with the doctor, they moved me to an ultrasound room.

I was fine enough to walk from the examination room to the ultrasound room on my own, but the ultrasound technician lady kindly came over to the examination room and carried me in bed to the ultrasound room.

After the ultrasound check, she carried me in bed back to the examination room again. At the end of the visit, a nurse gave me a shot for pain-relief and Andy and I headed back home.

The hospital was not the same network as my usual clinic network, but thankfully they could share all of my information at the ER with my clinic in the system, so I didn't have to bring any documents or something to my OBGYN on my own.

After the chaotic night, we got back home around 4 am.

Okay, this is all about my first ER experience.

To be honest with you, the maximum pain level that night was 8, which was still easy enough for me to lie down and put up with it for a while, but without all the history of the same pain in the previous 3weeks, I would have waited until the next morning. Though, I'm glad that I ran to the ER that night and had them do all the checks and find the cysts at once because everything went very smoothly from the night to the surgery.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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