「初恋」 作詞:石川啄木 作曲:越谷達之助 ソプラノ:森麻季
32796.naturally(自然に、ありのままに、当然ながら) use this to say that something is normal and not surprising
It's so hard to act naturally when someone tells you do..
32797.pontaneously(自発的に、無意識のうちに)something that is spontaneous has not been planned or organized, but happens by itself, or because you suddenly feel you want to do it
The crowd spontaneously started singing the fight song.
32798.selkf-evident(自明の、わかりきった)clearly true and needing no more proof 類義語 obvious
It’s self-evident that studying abroad was good for him..
32799.germ(細菌、病原菌)a very small living thing that can make you ill → bacteria
Cover your mouth when you cough so that you don't spared germs.
32800.contagious(接触感染性、移りやすい ) a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person by touch → infectious
Norovirus is extremely contagious.
The crowd spontaneously started singing the fight song.
32798.selkf-evident(自明の、わかりきった)clearly true and needing no more proof 類義語 obvious
It’s self-evident that studying abroad was good for him..
32799.germ(細菌、病原菌)a very small living thing that can make you ill → bacteria
Cover your mouth when you cough so that you don't spared germs.
32800.contagious(接触感染性、移りやすい ) a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person by touch → infectious
Norovirus is extremely contagious.

Japan's environment ministry has selected the Noto region as a site to reintroduce the endangered crested ibis into the wild. The area was hit hard by a massive earthquake on New Year's Day last year. A panel of experts approved the plan on Friday. The crested ibis was once present across Japan, but it was driven to extinction in the country in 2003 due to excessive hunting and pesticide use. The species is designated as a “special natural monument.” A breeding program in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, has yielded some success. An estimated 576 crested ibises were living in the wild around the city as of December. Ministry officials say a survey of rice paddies in Noto found they're home to frogs, snails, and other prey favored by the birds. The officials plan to release the birds starting around June next year. They'll be set free in batches of 15 to 20 over several years.
◆crested ibis トキ a lack of a fair or correct balance between two things, which results in problems or unfairness 類義語 inequality
◆pesticide 農薬、殺虫剤 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall
◆special natural monument 特別天然記念物 a lack of a fair or correct balance between two things, which results in problems or unfairness 類義語 inequality
◆rice paddy 水田 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall
◆snail 田螺 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall
32791.ashamed ((自分に対して)恥ずかしい) feeling very sorry and embarrassed because of something you have done
You have no need to be ashamed.
32792.embarrassed ((他人に対して)恥ずかしい)feeling uncomfortable or nervous and worrying about what people think of you, for example because you have made a silly mistake, or because you have to talk or sing in public
I'm pretty embarrassed that I called him by the wrong name.
32793.shy ((性格が)恥ずかしがり屋 )nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people, especially people you do not know
She's not as shy as you think. Once you get to know her, she's really talkative.
32794.jump in (会話に加わる・割り込む)to interrupt someone or suddenly join a conversation
Don’t worry about coming off rude. Just jump in whenever you want and share your thoughts.
32795.go the extra mile (期待以上の働きをする / 一層の努力をする ) to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort
Peter went the extra mile to help his client.
I'm pretty embarrassed that I called him by the wrong name.
32793.shy ((性格が)恥ずかしがり屋 )nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people, especially people you do not know
She's not as shy as you think. Once you get to know her, she's really talkative.
32794.jump in (会話に加わる・割り込む)to interrupt someone or suddenly join a conversation
Don’t worry about coming off rude. Just jump in whenever you want and share your thoughts.
32795.go the extra mile (期待以上の働きをする / 一層の努力をする ) to try a little harder in order to achieve something, after you have already used a lot of effort
Peter went the extra mile to help his client.

「今日、波よどうか立たないでほしい」と、人々が終日祈った甲斐があって、風も吹かず波も立たない。今、かもめが群れて遊んでいる所がある。京が近づいているのを喜んで、ある子供が詠んだ歌は、 祈り来る… (風が吹かないように祈り続けてきて、今がその吹かぬ間と言うのに、妙なことになんで群れているかもめさえもが吹く風によって波に見えるのだろう。) と言いながら行くうちに、石津というところの松原は趣があって、浜辺がどこまでも続いている。 また、住吉のあたりを漕いで行く。ある人がよんだ歌は、 今見てぞ… (今、松をみてあらためて我が身を知った。千歳経る住江の松より多く、自分は齢を重ねてしまった、と) |
32786.enlighten someone (〜に教える、~に知識を与える) formal to explain something to someone
Please enlighten me on your experience traveling the world.
327872.accountability(責任感)responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them
Students need accountability to stay motivated in online learning.
32788.digress (話が逸れるtto talk or write about something that is not your main subject
I’m digressing right now. Let’s get back to what we were talking about.
32789.take over (仕切る、支配する、引き継ぐ)to take control of something
Sorry, I didn’t mean to take over the conversation.
Students need accountability to stay motivated in online learning.
32788.digress (話が逸れるtto talk or write about something that is not your main subject
I’m digressing right now. Let’s get back to what we were talking about.
32789.take over (仕切る、支配する、引き継ぐ)to take control of something
Sorry, I didn’t mean to take over the conversation.
32790.booze informal alcoholic drink
Yeah, can you pick up some booze and snacks?
Yeah, can you pick up some booze and snacks?
32781.take it easy (無理しないでね ) to relax and not do very much /used to tell someone to become less upset or angry
I know you’re really busy with work but take it easy.
32782.dozens of (数十個の・数十人の)the most basic and important quality of something
Dozens and dozens of customers complained about their poor service.
32783.freeloader (食客、ルンペン、月給泥棒、遊び人、あそび人、脛かじり、脛齧り、〈賤しんで〉・居候、月給泥棒 )someone who takes food, drink, or other things from other people, without giving anything in return – used to show disapproval
You shouldn’t invite him. He is a freeloader.
32784.put on hold (保留する・持ち越す )the regular paid work that you do for an employer / something that you are responsible for doing
We decided to put the project on hold until next month.
32785.go by (〜と呼ばれている / 〜の名で知られる ) a job or profession
My name is Norio but I go by Nori
Dozens and dozens of customers complained about their poor service.
32783.freeloader (食客、ルンペン、月給泥棒、遊び人、あそび人、脛かじり、脛齧り、〈賤しんで〉・居候、月給泥棒 )someone who takes food, drink, or other things from other people, without giving anything in return – used to show disapproval
You shouldn’t invite him. He is a freeloader.
32784.put on hold (保留する・持ち越す )the regular paid work that you do for an employer / something that you are responsible for doing
We decided to put the project on hold until next month.
32785.go by (〜と呼ばれている / 〜の名で知られる ) a job or profession
My name is Norio but I go by Nori
32776.expertise(専門知識) special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training
You describe yourself is a startup advisor having expertise bringing new products to the global market..
32777.open up(切り開く)if opportunities open up, or a new situation opens them up, they become available or possible
Working with a diverse team opens up a world of new perspectives and ideas
32778.push one's limits(限界に挑戦する)
Enthusiastic teammates inspire you to push your limits and strive for excellence
32779.broaden(広げる)to increase something such as your knowledge, experience, or range of activities /to affect or include more people or things, or to make something affect or include more people or things 類義語 widen, expand
Leaning from the unique experiences of diverse coworkers broadens your own skills and knowledge.
32780.for the first time in X years (ここX年のうちで初めて=X年ぶりに )
I'm planning a trip abroad for the first time in three years.
Working with a diverse team opens up a world of new perspectives and ideas
32778.push one's limits(限界に挑戦する)
Enthusiastic teammates inspire you to push your limits and strive for excellence
32779.broaden(広げる)to increase something such as your knowledge, experience, or range of activities /to affect or include more people or things, or to make something affect or include more people or things 類義語 widen, expand
Leaning from the unique experiences of diverse coworkers broadens your own skills and knowledge.
32780.for the first time in X years (ここX年のうちで初めて=X年ぶりに )
I'm planning a trip abroad for the first time in three years.
32771.bilatelal(二国間の、両側に関する) involving two groups or nations
The Us and Japan have a bilateral alliance.
32772.fillet(切り身にする)a piece of meat or fish without bones
I've never learned how to fillet a fish. Can you show me?
32773.flake(フレーク、薄片)a small thin piece that breaks away easily from something else
Try some bonito flakes on top of your okonomiyaki.
32774.fishy(魚臭い、胡散臭い)informal seeming bad or dishonest 類義語/ tasting or smelling of fish suspicious
Wow. This fillet doesn’t taste fishy at all.
32775.circulation(循環、血行、発行部数 ) the movement of blood around your body/ the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month etc / the movement of liquid, air etc in a system
They said that garlic is good for your circulation.
I've never learned how to fillet a fish. Can you show me?
32773.flake(フレーク、薄片)a small thin piece that breaks away easily from something else
Try some bonito flakes on top of your okonomiyaki.
32774.fishy(魚臭い、胡散臭い)informal seeming bad or dishonest 類義語/ tasting or smelling of fish suspicious
Wow. This fillet doesn’t taste fishy at all.
32775.circulation(循環、血行、発行部数 ) the movement of blood around your body/ the average number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are usually sold each day, week, month etc / the movement of liquid, air etc in a system
They said that garlic is good for your circulation.
32766.malfunction a fault in the way a machine or part of someone’s body works
What caused the malfunction in the navigation systems?.
32767.malnutrition(栄養失調)when someone becomes ill or weak because they have not eaten enough good food → nutrition
Malnutrition prevents many children from growing normally
32768.malicious(悪意のある)very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone
I think social media it easier for malicious rumors to spread.
Traffic is stop-and-go on the Vocab Rider Expressway today.
32770.tailgate(前の車の後ろにぴったりついて走る) to drive too closely to the vehicle in front of you
If someone starts tailgating you. Stay calm.
Malnutrition prevents many children from growing normally
32768.malicious(悪意のある)very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone
I think social media it easier for malicious rumors to spread.
Traffic is stop-and-go on the Vocab Rider Expressway today.
32770.tailgate(前の車の後ろにぴったりついて走る) to drive too closely to the vehicle in front of you
If someone starts tailgating you. Stay calm.
32761.all-around good at doing many different things, especially sports 類義語 all-round British English
As a kid, she was a superior all-around athlete, eventually gravitating to golf at age 14.
32762.not-so-gentle(あまり穏便でない )
He used not-so-gentle approach.
32763.handsomest a man who is handsome looks attractive 類義語 good-looking
He isn't the handsomest guy in the world. But I love him.
32764.store- bought(店で買った、既製の)
I wasn't exactly honest. I lied about making the cake. It's store-bought.
32765.laughly matter informal something serious that should not be joked about
Seriously, this is no laughing matter. Let's be respectful of other people's feelings.
He used not-so-gentle approach.
32763.handsomest a man who is handsome looks attractive 類義語 good-looking
He isn't the handsomest guy in the world. But I love him.
32764.store- bought(店で買った、既製の)
I wasn't exactly honest. I lied about making the cake. It's store-bought.
32765.laughly matter informal something serious that should not be joked about
Seriously, this is no laughing matter. Let's be respectful of other people's feelings.

Japanese Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru and U.S. President Donald Trump discussed regional security and economic issues at their first summit meeting. Ishiba emphasized the massive amount of Japanese investment in America. At the summit held on Friday, Ishiba told Trump Japanese automakers would be building new factories in the U.S.
(Ishiba Shigeru / Japanese Prime Minister) “Japan has been the largest investor for the United States in the last five consecutive years. Building upon that, we are ready to further increase our investment to the United States.”
Trump responded by saying his tax policies make the U.S. an attractive destination for car manufacturers. But he said the two nations need to address an imbalance in trade relations.
(Donald Trump / U.S. President) “We do want to work on the deficit. We have about a 100-billion-dollar deficit with Japan, which I'm not surprised, 'cause you're very good negotiators, I will say. But we want to work on that and get that down to even. Equality, I call it. Let's be equal.”
◆imbalance不均衡、アンバランス ~をたどる a lack of a fair or correct balance between two things, which results in problems or unfairness 類義語 inequality
◆deficit 赤字 the difference between the amount of something that you have and the higher amount that you need → shortfall