Trump picks Kelly Loeffler to lead Small Business Administration ? CNN…
Trump picks Kelly Loeffler to lead Small Business Administration CNN …2024/12/05 09:23 http://the-rooms.work/?p=199789
…unleashed on America the day after Trump takes office “We have some bi…2024/12/05 08:53 https://ameblo.jp/kadota0928/entry-12877503078.html
A billionaire private astronaut and SpaceX supporter may be the next N…
Incoming President Donald Trump has nominated Jared Isaacman, a billio…2024/12/05 07:44 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1910177
The United States should invite back the automobile companies that hav…
… promised by the next US president Trump will be reviewed becau
Hegseth's Support With Trump Teeters as He Faces a Series of Critical …
Hegseth's Support With Trump Teeters as He Faces a Series of Critical…2024/12/04 21:30 http://the-rooms.work/?p=199772
… 3, 2024 数日X離れていたら動きがありましたねスノーデンが??TRUMP政権入閣する可能性が出てきました(^-^)wow!後はアサン…
…ott Jennings Dismantles Their Anti-Trump Propaganda SOLOMON JONES: “Th…2024/12/04 16:06 http://totalnewsjp.com/2024/12/04/trump-2945/
… approve clean energy loans before Trump takes over ? here's who is be…
… lead-up to President-Elect Donald Trump's inauguration, and the winne…2024/12/04 06:54 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1909806
…rch)は12月2日の調査報告書で、ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)氏のアメリカ大統領...2024/12/04 06:30 https://money.vip-svs.com/2024/12/04/158128/
…トランプ ドナルド・ジョン・トランプ(英語: Donald John Trump、1946年6月14日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、実…2024/12/04 06:00 https://haisoku.jp/archives/26370935.html
…s a measure to combat high prices, Trump should recognize the standard…
…as "gifts from God" in his speech. Trump should be given the "Dr
…th Socialにトラさん本日投稿 キングも一緒に戻って来るかな? Trump just posted this pic.twitter.…
Trump's Threat of 100% Tariffs Targeting BRICS Would Blow Up in Ameri…
ahr666g Blogger ~ Ameba.Blog [ 5324 ]
… 減反策脳足林省https://bit.ly/3VlhqK9 EV廃止Trump https://bit.ly/4i14rqK H2O-En…2024/12/03 11:21 https://ameblo.jp/ahr666generation/entry-12877274256.html
米バイデン政権、中国半導体産業に対する包括的な輸出規制を発表 ? 140社以上が対象に
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…ジャスティン・トルドー首相が知事を務めるべきだ」 BREAKING: Trump reportedly told Justin Trudea…2024/12/03 10:26 https://newssharing.net/canada15
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…トランプ ドナルド・ジョン・トランプ(英語: Donald John Trump、1946年6月14日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、実…2024/12/02 22:00 https://asian-oyaji.com/archives/26377897.html
…gp09 Putin says he doesn't believe Trump is safe after assassination a…2024/12/02 09:11 https://netouyonews.net/archives/post-573625.html
…gp09 Putin says he doesn't believe Trump is safe after assassination a…2024/12/02 08:36 https://crx7601.com/archives/61985094.html