米国「トランプ銃撃事件」バイデン「Its time to put Trump in a bullseye(7/8」謎の勢力「的を撃て発言(ト…
1: 名も無き国民の声 2024/07/15(月) 07:21:02.08 ID:ioWeGrUo9 https://ai.2ch.sc/t…2024/07/15 19:16 https://totalwar.doorblog.jp/archives/58522445.html
…ttempts to lecture the world about its supposed “rules based order," i…
…柴又から堤防 イカ寿司 朝寝坊」★GHOSTSBecause now its on me I don't understand it2024/07/15 14:21 https://lovenatari.livedoor.blog/archives/52086037.html
オサンポ walk - 昆虫insect : アリの砂山に Ants' sand mountain
…小さな花のツボミ…。 There was an oxalis and its leaf and bud... *not sure Engli…
… name pineapple is used because of its shape.The agapanthus and
[ダイエット]パリコレモデルの1日の食事 犬も人間も・・基本は・・・衣食住と愛 「保険証交付義務」の省令規定を削除しないで!
…py has eaten and has not forgotten its mother Tai Ge's custom logic Gu…2024/07/15 06:07 https://haha2018.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-671.html
The Hatch Restore 2 smart sleep clock drops to a record low for Prime …
…inging the price down to $145 from its usual cost of $200. The clock c…2024/07/15 00:00 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1867021
…ライブして心地良い疲れ。今日はいっぱい眠れそうだ。Today had its own unique charm, with the rain…2024/07/14 19:01 https://ameblo.jp/harcourts-auckland/entry-12859902365.html
獲物を掴んで飛ぶハイタカ雄 Eurasian Sparrowhawk
…Eurasian Sparrowhawk flew grabbing its prey, N.Japan, June 26 2024.ハイタ…2024/07/14 18:00 http://blog.livedoor.jp/miruf4ej-jobijobi/archives/61628664.html
ITS P'S STRATEGIC ? 社長の戦略講座 目標を数値化した方がいいのはわかっているが、どう数値化していいかわからない。こう悩ん…2024/07/14 11:09 https://its-japan.jp/itsblog/itsceo-blog/3102/
Accounting Fraud
… history. ? The company dressed up its financial statements and submit…
If you're an AT&T customer, your data has likely been stolen
…e phone records of “nearly all" of its customers. The stolen data cont…2024/07/14 05:15 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1866871
東仙坊のショート・エッセイ 「6・5・4・3のダブルプレー」 〈9〉
…ood thing about Tokyo must be that its residents do not clash violentl…2024/07/13 10:00 http://tohsenboh.jp/blog-entry-6093.html
Meta rolls back restrictions on Trump's Facebook and Instagram account…
…ald Trump's accounts. Meta updated its original statement announcing t…2024/07/13 07:02 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1866683
HeadSpin, whose founder is in prison for fraud, sold to PE firm in fir…
…HeadSpin raised $117 million since its 2015 inception and was last val…2024/07/13 03:03 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1866675
【カナダ生活】またまた車を買い替える?! レクサスRX350→BMW-X5
… last year. The Tesla Model Ymakes its de2024/07/13 00:18 https://coco2022.com/bmwx5/
rejuvenations of the Jellyfishベニクラゲ
… maturity and reaches the limit of its body aging, has an unusu2024/07/12 23:03 https://www.mitell-a.com/249/
The EU will start enforcing its new AI regulations on August 1
…nd final text for the EU AI Act in its Official Journal, as reported b…2024/07/12 23:00 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1866643
The Morning After: Hydrogen-powered air taxi completes 523-mile test
Joby Aviation says its electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) a…2024/07/12 20:15 http://gadgetsnews.link/archives/1866591
…ace IranThe days of Washington and its Western minions playing divide …2024/07/12 19:05 https://tenrabansyou.net/america-no-longer-divides-and-conquers/